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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Keep Calm, Chill Out, and Go Swimming

This summer we have coats to help your dog learn to swim, stay cool, and keep calm.

The Guardian Gear Deluxe Pillow Pet Preserver is an innovative flotation jacket designed to help your dog learn to swim and gain confidence in the water. All dogs can swim, but they just don't know that. If you've ever introduced a dog to water  you know that it can be stressful for them and for you. This jacket has a removable flotation pillow that keeps your dog's head up, minimizing water into the face, avoiding that splash-in-the-face panic that the new dog paddler fears.

I just wish I'd had this for my dear German Shepherd Danny, who learned to swim in the ocean off Santa Barbara, California. I got pretty scratched up teaching that boy how to navigate the water, and he would have been so comfortable with a flotation jacket. His response to splashing water was to rear his head back, thereby increasing the water-in-the-nose panic, and he tried to land on me since it looked like I was standing securely in the water,  not treading it. We both almost capsized before he learned to calmly enjoy the ocean.

This Anxiety-Reducing Shirt by Kong is like a firm hug to calm your anxious pet. Gentle compression helps dogs deal with the stress of thunder, fireworks, and other stressful sounds and events. Reflective trim, and flexible Velcro closures enable you to fit this to your dog for comforting sense of safety.

As you get ready for the hot days ahead, prepare to keep your dog chill with the
Guardian Gear Cool Pup Coat
These were so popular with our customers last  year! Your dog will love you for providing this amazing comfort during the heat waves to come. An innovative design that will help your pet chill out this summer.

Our mission is to help you enjoy your dog. It's not time for winter coats right now, but we have what your dog needs to enjoy a terrific summer right here.

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