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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bring on Spring

Here in the Pacific Northwest we are very patient waiting for spring to arrive. There are always a few gloriously sunny days in April, inevitably followed by dark, rainy weather. As my friendly grocery clerk said just today, "We're almost there."

Here's a picture of our garden last year -

Just kidding, heh heh!
Actually, this is a view of the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, British Columbia, which we visited last summer. Lots of garden inspiration here.

I loved this combination of Dusty Miller and begonias. Stunning, and relatively low maintenance.

There is so much to look forward to for those of us who love to potter around in the yard.

These look a little outer spacey, but fascinating nevertheless.

Of course my favorite is the classic English cottage style, and the Butchart Gardens has a lovely display of mixed, full flower beds that capture the look perfectly.

But that's not all the Victoria has to offer. I found this sculpture in the downtown area quite charming.
Loved the little dog's expression-
(that is a monkey on her shoulder, by the way).

From the hills on the outskirts of town you can see this lovely vista.

We love our fresh air and water and lots of green year round here in the Pacific Northwest. Right now, however, we are ready to welcome that elusive and lovely visitor, Spring with open arms.

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